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Best Home Workouts

Best Workouts To Do At Home

Sprout Living
We’ve all been there – part of you wants to get a workout in, and part of you desperately does not want to leave the house and face the pouring rain to get yourself to gym. Or maybe it’s the rush hour traffic that’s discouraging you from lacing up your trainers and heading out the door. Your favorite yoga class is completely booked and you don’t have time to go to the later class? Your car is in the shop? You only have 35 minutes before you have to go to your next engagement? Quit your gym membership to save money?
Whatever it is, many of us regularly find excuses not go to the gym. And more often than most of us would like, we simply do not have time to make the trip due to busy schedules. But never fear – you can still get a great workout, right from home! Using these muscle-building, fat-burning exercises, you can stay healthy and toned in a jiffy, without ever stepping out your front door.
  1. Vinyasa Yoga Despite what many people believe, yoga can be a heart-pumping, intense and satisfying workout – if done the right way. Pick up a yoga video that offers a Vinyasa or Power style and you can easily get a sweat-inducing workout right in your living room, while bringing the mind and body into harmony through synchronizing the breath with movement. These types of yoga involve quickly flowing from pose to pose and can range from medium to very challenging, even for the most seasoned athlete. Not into videos? Create your own flow routine by piecing together your favorite poses with the breath. However, if you are a beginner to yoga, start out by practicing at a studio with a certified yoga teacher in order to learn proper alignment in the poses before attempting any higher level yoga regimen.
    For more information on everything yoga, visit Forte Yoga.
  2. Jump Rope Take a trip back to your childhood and pick up your jump rope. Except this time, step up the intensity a few notches. Jumping rope can be an incredible fat-burning, sweat-provoking workout, and requires nothing more than an open space and the jump rope itself. And hello beach season – turns out that jumping rope can burn up to 140 calories in only 10 minutes of intense exercise. And jumping rope is not only an incredible calorie-burner – it is also a key tool for improving cardiovascular fitness. Find awesome and creative jump rope routines online and from magazines like Shape, Fitness and SELF.
  3. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Scientists have created an incredibly effective seven-minute workout that studies show to have the same effect as a long run and weight lifting. Sound impossible? It did to us as well. However, by combining 12 different exercises performed in rapid succession for 30 seconds each, with 10 second breaks in between every separate exercise, these scientists say that you can reap the same benefits of a long run or biking session plus weight lifting. The best part is that you can do it all from home, using only a chair, the wall and your own body weight. Only catch is that you must push yourself so that the level of physical strain is at least an eight on a scale of 1 to 10. Try the exercises below, following the aforementioned instructions, and judge for yourself!
    HIIT Exercises
These are just a few great options for at-home workouts. Do on-line research to find many more amazing ideas for easy, low-cost workouts that are accessible without a gym membership. Before no time, you will be a home workout pro – not to mention fitter and healthier than ever. So what are you waiting for? Get up off of the couch and get ready to burn serious calories and build strength right from the comfort of your own home.
Photo Credit: thefuss.co.uk Sources:
  • Rachel Reilly, Daily Mail, “The 7-Minute Workout That is as Beneficial as a Long Run and a Weights Session,” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2322470/The-7-minute-workout-proven-good-long-run-weights-session--PAIN-reap-benefits.html
  • Betsy Stephens, Fitness Magazine, “10-Minute Workout: Jump Rope to Skip Yourself Slim,” http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/arms/express/jump-rope-workouts/
  • Baron Baptise, Yoga Journal, “Q & A: What’s Typical Power Yoga Sequence,” http://www.yogajournal.com/article/practice-section/power-warm-ups/